Hi friends-April is Jazz Appreciation Month and KBP is going to be a part of a month long focus of jazz featuring performances, talks and a class at Kenosha's intimate listening room-Fusion.
Along with performing on April 8th, myself and Jeremy Scott will be joining some other local jazz educators on April 30th for a youth-oriented interaction class. Musician’s grades 5th-8th are encouraged to bring their instruments for a time of instruction, listening and jamming! So please come out in April and support live jazz at a very cool venue in downtown K-Town. All the Best, Kal Friday, April 1st 8pm Lesser Lakes Trio (tickets $8.00) Friday, April 8th 8pm The Kal Bergendahl Project (tickets $8.00) Wednesday, April 13th 7pm Southport Sound Big Band (Free) Saturday, April 30th 10am-noon Jazz Appreciation & Interaction Class (Free) Fusion 5014 – 7th Ave. Kenosha, WI. 53140 Tickets are $8.00 and can be purchased online @www.kenoshafusion.com Senior and Student discount tickets are $5.00. The lead sponsors for Celebrate Jazz are WGTD, Kozak Orthodontics and Emer Eye Care. Additional funding is provided by Rizzo & Diersen. “JAM is intended to stimulate and encourage people of all ages to participate in jazz - to study the music, attend concerts, listen to jazz on radio and recordings, read books about jazz, and more.” Currently Diggin' on- Snarky Puppy-Sylva https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLJLRN8LOVA Studio C Videos-Good clean stuff :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLJLRN8LOVA Awesome Beef @ Daily Dose-http://www.dailydosecafe.net/home.html
Hi and welcome to our new web site! We are excited for the New Year and wanted to give you a heads up on what to look out for with KBP in 2016.
We are looking forward to another wonderful summer festival season in the SE Wisconsin area and will be posting new shows regularly. The band is also looking to record our first CD with the latest funky version of KBP-led by our 3 tremendous horn players. Hopefully we can get something in your hands soon! Check back here for monthly blogs as I will be writing on different musings pertaining to the group, music and life. Please head over to our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/kalbproject as we will be posting new videos & pictures of rehearsals and shows and more. Thanks for stopping by! God bless, Kal Currently diggin’ on- Walter Piston http://www.musicsalesclassical.com/composer/short-bio/Walter-Piston Jimmy Fallon “Lip Sync Battles” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLBSoC_2IY8 My wife’s Zuppa Toscana….. trying to stay warm |
Hi and welcome to our new web site! We are excited for the New Year and wanted to give you a heads up on what to look out for with KBP in 2016.