THE VIRTUE OF VALUE | Thoughts on the value of live music & the arts
“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life” Picasso I remember performing at an art gallery located in a beautiful lakefront property in Milwaukee a number of years ago. I was playing with a pianist in a dining room surrounded by a diverse collection of art. Paintings, sculptures, ceramics filled the historic house. During one of our breaks we walked around to get a closer look at some of them. As I read one of the plates mounted on a wall I noticed the name “Picasso”. “Surely this couldn’t be the Picasso” I thought! The first name was Pablo, and the piano player - who was much more enlightened than me in the ways of art culture - told me Yes, it is the Picasso! Now, we had been in that room for a couple of hours surrounded by these wonderful works of art, and I really had no idea the value and magnitude of them. For the rest of the evening all I could think was ‘try not to knock over one of the sculptures’ which was dangerous close to where I sat! I was in awe by the value that was in the room - I had a new level of interest and appreciation for the artistic works which surrounded me. I think many of us can be like this - oblivious at times to the value of things around us. As a matter of fact, we often take for granted the things of most value. Value has various shades of meaning. It can simply refer to the monetary worth of object. On a deeper level, it’s a word we assign to something important and beneficial. Be it a vehicle, a house, or a musical instrument, most of us have something that has value to us because of the price we paid for it. However, some of the things we value most don’t come with a price tag. Things such as quality time with people we love, or a family heirloom with sentimental value. The value they hold goes beyond money, to something altogether deeper. Music and the arts are this way. They have value that cannot always be quantified. Of course the price of a CD or streaming service is exact. A concert ticket, or admission price to an art gallery or the price to purchase a piece of art is exact, but the value of these things is intangible in many ways. What is the value of experiencing gifted people perform? Or the therapeutic nature of the arts? It is impossible to put a price tag on a moment when we are inspired, provoked and moved emotionally. But the benefit and importance of it are clear. The impact of music and the arts is mysterious. In many ways, it feels like 1+1=3. It’s a phenomenon that cannot be explained fully, but we know the beauty of this expression impacts us in ways that mere spoken or written words don’t. We can show that we value an artist who spent time crafting their skill when we give them our attention and financial support. Since the only way we can express our value of something is through actions, the natural question is - What can I do?
Ralph Waldo Emerson said “Every artist was first an amateur” and Henri Matisse, “Creativity takes courage”. There is value in supporting someone who is creating something, helping others heal from wounds, putting themselves out there, maybe overcoming depression, low self-esteem, or stage fright. Music and the arts can heal and inspire like nothing else. There is value in supporting someone who is expressing something unique before our eyes - unique because they are a one-of-a-kind. God made that person unique, and when they have a platform to express themselves it will have a flavor like no other. So, let’s express how much we value live music and the arts- After all, don’t we all need a little washing of our souls from the dust of everyday life? God bless, Kal Currently digging on: - Kenosha Creative Space: K-Town’s connecting and creative hub for the arts. -Willburger @ Stack’d: Dang good-gourmet burgers in Milwaukee’s 5th ward! -Kiefer: A little electronic funkiness. -The Needle Drop: “You decide the value of music”
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